Get Over Fear of the Dentist

Originally published on LinkedIn. I was at my dentist appointment. It was only for a cleaning and yet I realized that anxiety was starting to bubble up! Now I do not fear the dentist at all, but I do find that my childhood anxiety surfaces. The moment the equipment starts to buzz, I was thrown back […]

Get More Sales with Hypnosis!

Every salesperson wants more sales! Though products and price points are important the number one reason people choose to buy is that they trust the salesperson. The trust and confidence need to get more sales can be embedded into your subconscious using hypnosis! Think of those that are masterful salespeople. What are the traits that […]

Can Hypnosis Eliminate Fear?

We all have fears. It is when fear creates challenges or blockages to your enjoying your life that it is a problem. Many people call our office and ask if hypnosis can eliminate fear. Yes, it can. Hypnosis is a deep state of trance that bypasses your conscious mind and works directly with your unconscious. […]