We all have fears. It is when fear creates challenges or blockages to your enjoying your life that it is a problem. Many people call our office and ask if hypnosis can eliminate fear. Yes, it can.

Hypnosis is a deep state of trance that bypasses your conscious mind and works directly with your unconscious.

Fear comes from your brain. You believe you are afraid and have reinforced it year after year. One way of putting it is False Expectations Appearing Real.

Fear may have started from actual experience. When I was small, I recall walking with my Dad near the edge of the bay. We were near the pier and the water levels changed with the tides. Randomly my Dad would scoop me up and pretend that he was going to throw me off into the water.

I can still remember the terror. He thought it was a game. He didn’t acknowledge my fear and never actually tossed me in. But that early experience developed into a fear of heights. Ferris wheels, ladders, etc were all tabu. It got to where even thinking of being up high would bring on stress.

Knowing how to change my brain, I have overcome that fear. I wish I had known about hypnosis then. The process would have been much quicker. Often one hypnosis session will eliminate the fear.

There are fears that have roots in past lives. Often these manifest in this life without explanation. How could I be afraid of x I have never been exposed to x. In these cases going back through this life and when needed to another life can not only explain an issue but knowing it can clear it.

Some things we are afraid of may be hard-wired in our DNA. Let’s take my fear of heights again. There were experiences that ingrained that fear during this life as a toddler. I have that recollection. But, why did it scare me in the first place?

Heights is something we know to be cautious about. From infancy we know to be careful, to not go to close to the edge, and so on. At one point it was important and kept the species going. Studies with infants show that they instinctively stay away from dangerous or perceived dangerous heights.

Clear glass was set on two tables, leaving a large gap between the tables. The glass was a bridge and perfectly safe. Babies crawled to the edge but did not try to cross. They saw the open space underneath and knew better. It wasn’t fear, it was caution.

The mind can take caution and blow it into a major fear. For some, the fear is paralyzing. Hypnosis can eliminate fear. In some instances, it can take only one session. For major phobias, multiple sessions can help a person slowly regain control of their life.

image by Unsplash: Alexandra Gorn